Let’s Check!





No.1 When was the first World Cup soccer game held in Saitama?
@ The 4th of January 2002.         A The 4th of June 2002.            B The 4th of July 2002.
No.2 In the 14th century, did the King of England like football?
@ Yes, he did.                  A No, he doesn’t.                          B No, he didn’t. 
No.3 Who introduced soccer to Japan ?
@The King of England did.     A Hosoki Shiro did.         B General Douglass did.
No.4 Who was Hosoki Shiro?
@He was a soccer player.       A He was a teacher.         B He was a king.
No.5 How many professional soccer teams are there in Saitama?
@ There is one.                                  A There are two.                          B There are three.


T-F Check



No.1 Minoru is playing soccer now.

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No.2 Judy went to see her grandparents in July.

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No.3 Minoru was given two soccer tickets by his father.

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No.4 Minoru wants to invite Judy to the soccer game.

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No.5 There are more than one hundred soccer teams in the United Kingdom.

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10問正解 ・・・やった〜! 全日本の代表としてWorld Cup出場決定!
7〜9問正解 ・・・1次予選突破。本戦出場までもう1歩!
3〜6問正解 ・・・なかなかいいよ!青いシャツを着て、試合に行こう!
0〜2問正解 ・・・現実は厳しいね。まずは、ボール磨きから始めよう。
