Let’s Check!


True or False

No.1 When she was four years old, Kiku climbed up on the roof of her house.  (  T  /  F  )
No.2 Kiku kept on dreaming of becoming a teacher.  (  T  /  F  )
No.3 When she touched a plane for the first time, she started thinking of  (  T  /  F  )
becoming a pilot.
No.4 Her parents were not happy with her dream to become  a pilot.  (  T  /  F  )
No.5 Her first experience of flying was a scary one.  (  T  /  F  )
No.6 In 1933, she returned to her hometown by plane.   (  T  /  F  )
No.7 The flight to Manshu was very hard.     (  T  /  F  )
No.8 She landed in the river at Manshu.  (  T  /  F  )
No.9 She was a great woman pilot, but she could not receive any awards.  (  T  /  F  )
No.10 Lindbergh was the next person after Kiku to get the Harmon trophy.  (  T  /  F  )


全問正解 Perfect!    世界一周飛行に成功!空はあなたのもの! あなた自身の夢もきっと叶うよ。
7〜9問正解 Very Good! キクと同じ。満州国へのフライトに成功!苦難があっても負けない自信あり。
4〜6問正解 O.K. ふるさと訪問飛行に成功!次はもっと遠くを目指してね。
0〜3問正解 Not Good. 上空旋回中。もう一度テスト飛行をしなきゃ!
