Do you know the movie “Cupola no aru machi “ ? It’s
an old movie which was released in 1962. The
leading actress is Yoshinaga Sayuri. She is a very famous actress in
What is a cupola ?
It’s a small round part on the roof of a building, which is
shaped like an upside down bowl. It is used for melting iron down with
coal to make metal casting(鋳物). Kawaguchi-city
is famous for iron casting. It is said that the technique for iron
casting was brought to |
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Through iron casting they make the
manhole covers, posts, water pipes, escalators,
pulleys for elevators and so on. Kawaguchi has produced iron
casting for Tsutenkaku(通天閣), Kuroyon Dam(黒四ダム), Kegon
Falls(華厳の滝), the Diet Building and famous department stores like
Takashimaya(高島屋) and Mitsukoshi(三越). They
also made the Olympic flameholder for the |
Pulleys(エレベーターで使う滑車) |
Nowadays foundries are changing. One reason is the
environment. New apartment buildings are built near foundries. The
people who live in the apartment buildings don’t like the smoke and
sparks from cupolas. Another reason is coal. In |
was released上映された leading actress 主演女優 upside down さかさまの blow 風を送る tools道具 the Diet Building国会議事堂 the olympic flameholder聖火台 foundry鋳物工場 environment環境 sparks 火花 production生産 coals石炭 is decreasing減少している furnace溶鉱炉 instead of 〜の代わりに |
中学生のIkumiさんは、留学生のTomくんと |
Tom: | Wow! It’s so crowded. | |
Ikumi: | Yes. This is “Tatara−matsuri(たたら祭り)”. It is the most exciting festival in Kawaguchi. | |
It’s held for two days in August. | ||
Tom: | What’s tatara? | |
Ikumi: | Have you ever seen “Mononoke Hime(もののけ姫)”? It’s the old way to make iron castings in Japan. | |
They blend iron sand and charcoal in a furnace. | ||
Tom: | I see. | |
Ikumi: | In this festival, we have many small shops, dancing and fire works. | |
Tom: | I’m looking forward to watching fire works. |
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Ikumi: | Me, too. They are very beautiful. And we also have a dance. | |
It’s called the “tatara ondo ”. About 2000 people dance it. | ||
Tom: | Oh, really? | |
Ikumi: | Yes. A lot of people come from other cities to watch it. | |
It is very exciting. | ||
Tom: | Fantastic! | |
Ikumi: | Look! | |
Tom: | What are they doing? | |
Ikumi: | They are playing “be-goma (ベーゴマ)”. | |
Tom: | What’s “ be-goma”? | |
Ikumi: | It’s a kind of top. It’s a Japanese traditional game. | |
We spin it by pulling the cord wound around it. | ||
Tom: | It’s interesting. | |
Ikumi: | “ Be- goma ” is one of the metal casts produced here. | |
Now only one foundry makes it in Japan. | ||
Tom: | Oh, really? Anyway it looks fun to play be-goma. | |
Ikumi: | Shall we join them? | |
Tom: | Sure. | |
iron 鉄 blend 混ぜる charcoal 木炭 alternatelyかわるがわる small shop屋台 Fantastic 素晴らしい spin 回す pull 引く cord ひも wound wind(巻きつける)の過去分詞 the metal casts 鋳物 |